Taking your child to the doctor for checkup or any
of the test is really a tough job for parents. It is because children have
different way of thinking or looking at things. They may be afraid of going
there or it may happen that if there previous visit was not good then again
it’s difficult to make them understand about the visit to the doctor. Whatever
the reason maybe but it is challenging for you and you should work out the ways
and techniques that how you can make your children feel better while going to
visit a doctor. Taking kids to the dentist is necessary to keep their teeth
healthy and promote excellent oral hygiene habits. But from a child's point of
view, a trip to the dentist can be a scary event. The best way to help your
little ones overcome their fear of going to the dentist is to help prepare them
for their next visit by practicing some of these tips.
Them out Young
The earlier a child visits the dentist, the better.
It’s never too soon to start introducing children to tooth brushing and oral health. The best time to get started is before your child’s first dental
visit. Children love to learn about
their bodies, and love to smile, touch, and explore new things. Childs First
Dental Visit Songs00001 Many parents and caregivers love to teach children to
point to their own eyes, nose, and belly button. Why not add “teeth” and “tongue” to that
list? There are also a variety of baby
and child-friendly books, crafts, activities, songs, and even apps that can
help teach little ones about teeth, tooth brushing, dentists, and healthy
smiles. The more comfortable they are
with their mouth and teeth, the easier your child’s first dental visit will be.

Positive When Discussing the Upcoming Appointment
Teach your child that visiting the dentist is a
necessity, not a choice, and that the dentist will take care of his teeth so
that they are strong enough for him to eat. You might also explain that the
dentist helps keep cavities at bay and ensures that his patients will have a
beautiful smile for years to come. When preparing for a visit, especially the
first time, try not to include too many details. Doing so will raise more questions,
and adding more information about an extra treatment like a filling he might
need may cause unnecessary anxiety. Keep a positive attitude when discussing an
upcoming visit, but don't give your child false hope.
Your Imagination
Babies and toddlers, just like older children, are
very perceptive and sensitive to the attitudes and energy of those around
them. Children often mirror our
behavior. When we are relaxed and happy,
children are more likely to be Childs First Dental Visit Songs00003relaxed,
too. Children are also more relaxed when
they are prepared. Spend time talking to
children (yes, even babies and toddlers) about visiting the dentist. Is there a special “going to the dentist”
outfit to pick out, or book to bring? You can also spend time reading about
visiting the dentist and talking about what the dentist will do in a positive
way. “The dentist will count your
teeth,” or “We will show the dentist what a great job you do when you brush.” Older siblings can also help in this area, to
serve as a good role model and to talk in a positive way about visiting the
dentist for a check-up. You can bring
your little one to dental visits to get them used to the sights and sounds of a
dental office, and to help them prepare for their own visit.